What Our Key Replacement Warranty Is About

Losing your keys unfortunately happens, and not in the sense where you just can’t remember where you had them in the kitchen for a few minutes. We’re talking about irrevocably losing your keys while you’re out for a night on the town, a weekend somewhere far away or anything else that really puts a damper […]

Continental Warranty, Inc. Offers Great Solution for Lost Car Keys

Losing your car keys: the leading supplier of being late for work and frustrated B-roll footage for key ring finders on infomercials. Thankfully, there are ways to remedy a lost pair of keys in the event that they’re actually gone and not just hanging out under the couch. We here at Continental Warranty, Inc. understand […]

Continental Warranty, Inc. Offers Fantastic Key Replacement Auto Warranty

If you happen to have the misfortune of losing your car keys, especially if you have a luxury model with a laser-cut key or microchip-laden key, it’s going to cost you big. Fortunately, there are auto warranty companies that offer key replacement programs. Finding an auto warranty company that will help cover the cost of […]