Car Warranty CompaniesAre you looking to increase car sales, warranty sales, and customer retention? ROI stands for Return on Investment, which will help drive in profits.  ROI is the money that you get back from the money you invested.

Learning about ROI products and services is especially important for car dealers and people in the automotive industry.

Many dealers fail to complete the life cycle of a sale, which is crucial to increase sales and drive revenue. The life cycle is as follows: New Car sales -> Service Customer -> ROI technology -> Investment.

Check out how ROI technology completes the life cycle of a sale at car warranty companies.

Drive More Profits

ROI and Car Warranty Companies

You may be surprised to find out that the car industry standard for new car vehicle service contact penetration rate is a mere 30%. This means that 70% of customers are leaving without an extended warranty. Extended warranty results in the car dealers most profitable finance and insurance resource.

If you would like to re-capture that 70% from the past couple of years, you can get a lot of returning sales. This can be done through increased car sales or Vehicle Service Agreements.

ROI will drive profits by increasing car sales, warranty sales, customer retention and driving up fixed operations. New car sales, service customer, and ROI technology drive investment returns.

As you can see, ROI technology will in return give you greater investment returns.

For more information on ROI technology and how it relates to car warranty companies, give us a call at 800-265-9136 today!